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Beyond Type 2’s Continuous Glucose Monitor— ‘CGM’ —Chart

Written by: Daniel Trecroci

2 minute read

June 13, 2024

Continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) have completely changed the way diabetes is managed. For example, CGMs:

CGM Basics

  • Made Up of Three Parts: The majority of CGMs consist of:
    • A receiver used to gather blood-sugar data, though your smartphone can work just as well
    • A transmitter, which is placed above the skin
    • A sensor that is inserted into the skin.
  • Easily Applied: CGMs can be placed throughout your body, typically using the included, simple-to-use applicator.
  • Waterproof: Most CGMs are safe for use in showers and while swimming.
  • Have Alarms: Some can alert you if your blood glucose levels are low or high.

Which CGM is Right for Me?

Here are some questions to think about when considering your CGM options:

  • Will my insurance cover CGMs?
  • How often will I have to change the sensors?
  • Will I need to purchase a handheld reader, or is the device compatible with my smartphone?
  • Do I want a CGM to connect to my insulin pump?

With the help of this CGM chart (see below), we can answer most of your questions.

This content was made possible by Dexcom, an active partner of Beyond Type 2.
Beyond Type 2 maintains editorial control over its content.


Daniel Trecroci

Dan has written about diabetes for more than 20 years. He was one of Diabetes Health's first recruits, and throughout his 10 + years as Managing Editor he wrote/published thousands of articles and helped establish Diabetes Health as the premiere resource for people with diabetes. He later became the Content Manager for OneTouchGold—Johnson & Johnson/LifeScan’s official digital publication for its metering-technology customers. Under his leadership, OneTouchGold received the Web Marketing Association’s award for “Best Health & Wellness" web site. Dan has also written for the Diabetes Research Institute, dLife, diaTribe, Healthline, CareDx, Pendulum Therapeutics, and Hero Bread.