Dental Health and Type 2 Diabetes


Type 2 diabetes is a noncommunicable chronic disease that needs a lot of care, but above all to pay attention to the signs our body can give.

If you follow the doctor’s instructions, along with our basic care and a permanent commitment, it will be a worthwhile effort to avoid complications. This is our daily challenge.

Diabetes management requires a team effort. This team is integrated by people living with diabetes and the multidisciplinary care team where the dentist, or stomatologist, is a fundamental part of medical care

Our Oral Health

It is important to emphasize that good oral health is an integral aspect of health in general but it is important to remember that those living with diabetes are at higher risk of suffering periodontitis since they are more susceptible to bacterial infections and have less ability to fight the bacteria that invade the gums.

If your blood glucose level is not in optimal ranges, you will be more likely to have advanced disease in the gums and even lose more teeth than those who do not live with diabetes. Like all infections, an advanced disease in the gums can be a factor that causes higher blood glucose levels and therefore it’ll become more difficult to manage both conditions.

Elevated blood glucose levels can also make the person with type 2 diabetes more prone to some diseases such as candidiasis caused by fungi growing in the mouth. This disease can cause pain, ulcers, infections and cavities.

Preventing Oral Diseases

The first step is to work with type 2 diabetes team in strategies so that our blood glucose levels are as long as possible in adequate ranges. We must remember that hyperglycemia leads to a greater possibility of having these diseases and that its good management will avoid this type of complications.

Tips to Manage Oral Health

  • Commit to blood glucose control (feeding, monitoring and medication)
  • No Smoking
  • Maintain blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides under control
  • Perform regular physical, oral and eye exams
  • Maintain a vaccination schedule up to date
  • Dental brushing, use of thread, toothpaste with fluoride
  • Check the feet daily
  • Avoid drinking alcohol
  • Learning to control stress
  • Balanced feed high in fiber

As you will see, good management of our blood glucose levels will avoid any type of complication in the oral cavity, or in the case of premature tooth loss or lack of control of diabetes.

WRITTEN BY Mtra. CD ED Verónica del Rocío Espinosa López., POSTED 04/29/19, UPDATED 01/10/23

Veronica is a dental surgeon, diabetes educator and clinical nutrition specialist. She is also a teacher in Teaching and Administration of Education. She is currently studying for a doctorate in educational sciences. Her family is made up of five members, Jorge her husband who is a dental surgeon specialist in implants and who lives with type 2 diabetes. Isaac, his eldest son is a lawyer and is specializing in corporate law, his son Ivan, who is the artist of the family and study industrial design and theater. The youngest of the house is Gerardo, her grandson who is currently in 2nd grade. of kindergarten and is an expert soccer player and swimmer. Twiter @spin1371 /Facebook @identalClinicaDeEspecialidadesDentales